grant needs more than a warning plastered across him, he needs to walk around in an opaque perma-quarantine-like bubble with massive death spikes protruding around the circumference so as no one has ANY chance of getting anywhere near him, EVER, even a little bit.
Massive death spikes? Increase his killing power? I'm not sure that's the way to go. I've already got a large burlap sack, I just need a few bricks and we can send him to kitten heaven, along with all the bikes and shopping trolleys.
I just can't help but think that "High Impact Stimulation [drink]" ought also to be the health warning plastered across Grant.
In short, I am suspicious.
grant needs more than a warning plastered across him, he needs to walk around in an opaque perma-quarantine-like bubble with massive death spikes protruding around the circumference so as no one has ANY chance of getting anywhere near him, EVER, even a little bit.
Massive death spikes? Increase his killing power? I'm not sure that's the way to go. I've already got a large burlap sack, I just need a few bricks and we can send him to kitten heaven, along with all the bikes and shopping trolleys.
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